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The Adrenal Stress test measures cortisol and DHEA-S levels in order to quantify adrenal function and detect general stress levels.

Your price
£ 148.75
ex vat £ 119.00
DNAlysis Laboratory
DNA profile panel

Your price
£ 373.75
ex vat £ 299.00
DNAlysis Laboratory

DNA profile panel

Your price
£ 436.25
ex vat £ 349.00
DNAlysis Laboratory
DNA profile panel

Your price
£ 498.75
ex vat £ 399.00
DNAlysis Laboratory
DNA profile panel

Your price
£ 561.25
ex vat £ 449.00
DNAlysis Laboratory

Choose ANY 6 of the following DNALife tests:

DNA Health
DNA Diet
DNA Sport
DNA Oestrogen
DNA Mind
DNA Skin
DNA Smile
DNA Active
DNA Resilience
DNA Pain

Your price
£ 623.75
ex vat £ 499.00
DNAlysis Laboratory

DNA Diet® is a genetic test designed to guide the personalisation of diet and lifestyle recommendations in order to manage weight. It provides insight into which diet type (low carbohydrate, low fat, or Mediterranean diet) would be most suitable for you according to your unique genetic makeup.

Your price
£ 195.00
ex vat £ 156.00
DNAlysis Laboratory

DNA Health® is a genetic test that provides unique insights into your health and your susceptibility to chronic diseases. Personalise your diet, supplement, and lifestyle recommendations for optimal health, improved longevity, and prevention of disease.

Your price
£ 248.75
ex vat £ 199.00
DNAlysis Laboratory

DNA Mind is a genetic test that reports on variants in genes that have significant associations with mental health including risk for addictive behaviour, cognitive decline, depression, anxiety and mood regulation.

Your price
£ 195.00
ex vat £ 156.00
DNAlysis Laboratory

Provides an analysis of the genes involved in the process of oestrogen metabolism, and details appropriate diet, nutraceutical, and lifestyle recommendations to optimises this process.

Your price
£ 195.00
ex vat £ 156.00
DNAlysis Laboratory

DNA Skin is a genetic test that offers insight into key areas that influence skin health, offering personalised topical, nutraceutical, diet, and lifestyle recommendations for improved outcomes.

Your price
£ 195.00
ex vat £ 156.00
DNAlysis Laboratory

DNA Sport® is a genetic test designed to guide the personalisation of exercise and training recommendations. The report provides highly personalised and effective training advice, allowing you to adapt to, compensate for, and maximise your genetic strengths.

Your price
£ 195.00
ex vat £ 156.00
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